First posted to: How did you feel, just reading the title of this blog post? Has this ever been you? Has this been your story for some time? If you’ve been following along in our core wounds series, you’ll…
“The Father Wound” – Understanding Problems in the Child & Father Relationship
“The Father Wound” article was first posted to: “The Father Wound” is a trauma wound affecting more people than drugs or alcohol combined. It cuts deeper than flesh and bone and works its way to the soul. It affects…
First posted to: In a nutshell, core beliefs are a person’s most central ideas about themselves, others, and the world. These beliefs act like a lens or pair of glasses through which every situation and life experience is seen….
Core Wounds – “I Am Unknown”
First posted to: The desire to be known is at the core of the human experience. We were created for a relationship with God and for relationships with each other, in which we are fully known and fully loved….
What is a Core Wound?
First posted to: Core wounds. Perhaps you have never heard of such a term, but chances are, you have dealt with them in some way. A core wound is a deep emotional wound, most often formed from suppressed pain…