First posted to: The core wound of “I am incapable” can cover many areas of life. For instance, there can be a belief that one is incapable of love, incapable of achieving, incapable of being known, incapable of intimacy,…
I Am Unworthy: The Betrayed Female Partner
First posted to: The core wound, “I am unworthy” may be triggered by various circumstances in one’s life however, in the following it will be addressed from the perspective of a sexually betrayed female partner. The crisis of sexual…
Core Wounds: How They Attack Your Identity
First posted to: Core wounds are significant and deep. Many times, they are wounds that first took root as a small child and throughout life were reinforced throughout a myriad of negative situations and circumstances. There are many examples…
Core Wound: I Am Not Safe
First posted to: When John was a child, his father would come home from a night of drinking, angry and volatile. During those times neither John nor his sisters would know what to expect. He could be verbally and…
Core Wound: I Don’t Measure Up
First posted to: I believe that at the core of every core wound is shame. Edward Welch provides an apt description of shame: “You are shunned. Faces are turned away from you. They ignore you, as if you didn’t…