- General (26)
- Group (13)
- Populations Specialization (24)
- Specialization (48)
- Treatment Style (21)
Unifie Therapist Directory
The Unifie Therapist Directory is a listing of professional counselors that is used to connect Christian counselors to each other, as well as a searchable directory for clients looking for the services of a Christian counselor in their area. Join our referral network of Christian counselors for free.
Get Connected With Christian Counselors
Christian counselors, are you looking for a way to let the community know about your services?
Would you benefit from a network of Christian counselors to seek and receive referrals?
Do you operate a solo practice that would benefit from connection to other Christian counselors?
Welcome to the Therapist Directory here at Unifie! We are a network of professional counselors, who are also Christians, that support each other. The Unifie Therapist Directory helps clients and other Christian counselors easily find your services online.
Join The Unifie Christian Therapist Directory For Free
Joining the Unifie Therapist Network is free! Click on the Online Directory image to submit your information to our network. We will collect your contact information and business description to list on our site. After we’ve had a chance to review your submission we will add it to our Christian therapist directory so others can easily find you.
Tips For Adding Your Name To The Therapist Directory
We want people to be able to find you. Our directory is used by fellow Christian counselors and clients who are looking to connect to a Christian counselor for services. Let us know what makes your practice unique and make note of the populations you serve. Our Therapist Directory is searchable by categories and tags so be sure to include notes on the types of work that you specialize in.
Why Join The Therapist Directory?
Why not join? It’s free! And it helps people find your counseling services!
If you’ve looked into search engine optimization (SEO) for your counseling practice website you may have discovered that Google needs some help understanding who you are and what you do in order to increase the rank of your page. Linking up with other Christian counselors providing similar services in our Therapist directory will give Google the clues it needs to improve your discoverability.
Join us! We are here to help each other.
Is Your City Represented In The Therapist Directory Yet?
If you don’t see anyone from your city that has joined the therapist directory yet, we welcome you to be the first! We are often looking for a connection in another city to find referrals when our clients move or when a client needs help for a friend or family member in another city. We would love to be able to contact you. Please add your counseling services to our therapist directory so we can find you.
Our Story
The Unifie Therapist Network began more than five years ago as the North Carolina Association of Christian Counselors (NCACC). We formed a great group of Christian therapists in North Carolina who regularly meet to learn and grow together. We also support each other through the referral network we’ve formed (the directory) and by regularly answering each other’s questions on our forums page.
Our group has been so helpful that we just couldn’t keep it to ourselves. We’ve now opened the group to Christian counselors regardless of the state or country they practice in! We’ve also changed our name to Unifie. Our mission is to strengthen and support the community of counselors, that are also Christians, throughout the world.
Join Our Free Therapist Directory Today
We hope you’ll join our Therapist Directory and become a part of our community. We are here to support you as you work to help others in your community. Click on the Online Directory image to get started. We look forward to meeting you!