Free Package
- Directory Listing
Full Package $100/year
- Directory Listing
- Forums Access
- Featured on Blog
- *Access to Forming Peer Consultation Groups
- Access to a Portal of Counseling Resources/Referrals for all 50 States (resources added each month)!
- Access to our quarterly meetings where we focus on helping Christians that are in helping professions.
*What are Peer Consultation Groups?
Peer consultation groups are when therapists meet regularly (in person or online) to consult about cases, support each other in practice development and be a source of encouragement for each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Being a therapist can tend to be an isolating career so it is very helpful to receive support from other therapists.
How do I join?
1) Fill out a bio form here: https://unifienetwork. com/directory-listing- submission/
2) Tell us about yourself and the contact information would be shared on the forum. Also, let us know what you hope to give/get out of the consultation group. Do this by clicking here!
3) Anyone interested can contact you in forming a peer consultation group.
This is offered in all packages for Unifie including the FREE package.
Have more questions?
Contact here!