First posted to: Marriage, in its purest form, is a lifelong, covenant relationship between one man, one woman, and God. It is meant to be a loving, intimate, and selfless relationship that involves spiritual, emotional, and physical closeness. The…
The Prayer of an Aged Believer: Psalm 71
First posted to: Most Bible commentators believe this is a psalm of David and is his prayer and trust in God during his later years under the crisis of his son Absalom’s rebellion. Since there is no title and…
Are You a Good Complainer?
First posted to: At first glance complaining appears to be nothing but negative. If someone were to put a glass of water in front of you filled up halfway, what would you see? Would you see a glass half…
How Lamenting Leads to Spiritual and Mental Growth
First posted to: When practicing the skill of lamenting it leads to spiritual and mental growth. You may be asking how is this so? To engage in lamenting, you eventually start to answer certain questions that tell you where…
Teaching Teens to Lament
First posted to: Our initial reaction to teens needing to learn how to lament may be incredulity. What do teenagers need to lament about? What significant loss could they be experiencing that would benefit from deep processing and require…