First posted to: Think for a minute about why you do the things you do. Really ponder it. Do you know why? Sometimes we act out in ways that we do not understand, and at times find ourselves loathing…
How to Live with Things We Cannot Change
First posted on: Mike Vaughn speaks with WCNC Charlotte about finding peace amidst chaos — especially when you have little or no control. Watch below to learn more! Watch here:
Communication Problems in Marriage – Get Past the Roadblocks
Communication Problems in Marriage – Get past the RoadblocksFirst posted at: Maybe while dating communication was so easy. Maybe while dating there were some issues but you two could get through them. Now, it is a different story. Communication problems…
Hidden Weapon Against The Mental Health Crisis
First posted on: Recently the NY Times reported, the WHO warned that the current global pandemic could result in a “massive increase in mental health conditions.” Sadly, experts are concerned that the suicide rates in the U.S. will rise…
May Unifie Meeting Recap
The Unifie meeting on May 7th was a great meeting! It was wonderful seeing each of you to connect, for prayer, speak about the calling of being a Christian therapist and to explore topics pertaining to COVID, movement forward, what will be…