First posted to: We at SureHope Counseling & Training Center want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! For the year of 2024, SureHope Counseling & Training Center has focused on the process of lamenting. We have…
Lamenting Holidays Past
First posted to: I don’t know anyone who is free from pain as we look forward to Christmas and the New Year. Many people I care for are shouldering significant burdens, and the holiday season intensifies their heartache. Why…
Ashes to Beauty: Lament to Thanksgiving
First posted to: Thanksgiving is a perspective. Not a set of circumstances. This year at SureHope we have focused on the spiritual and psychological benefits of lamenting. The amazing aspect about lamenting is when we practice lamenting, we are…
Lament: A Powerful Prayer Blueprint That Brings Comfort in Times of Trouble
First posted to: In times of trouble, we seek out safety and security. There is safety in being heard; we feel a bit more grounded and understood when someone listens to our pain. First let me say, it would…
Change the Script: Transforming Your Thought Life Through Lament
First posted to: Do you ever give much thought to the voice inside your head? I’m talking about the script that so often seems to run on auto pilot and provides an endless flow of messages in which we…