First posted to: Perhaps you have heard the term “parentified”, and by hearing it, you may be able to draw some conclusions of what it is. However, many people do not understand the lasting impact this can have and…
Healing from Toxic Family Patterns
First posted to: In the beginning “God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). The term “very good” signifies the perfection and harmony of creation before the fall of man. This…
Healing from a Fear-Bonded, Low-Joy Childhood
First posted to: One of the most significant types of bonds between two people is the bond between parent and child. The impact of this formative relationship, forms the foundation for a felt sense of safety and security, while…
Healing Family of Origin Wounds: The Inner Child
First posted to: For some, reflecting on the past seems like a waste of time. After all, that was then, this is now. The present is what matters and what can be done now. What is done is done,…
A New Year, A New Generation: Healing Family of Origin Wounds
First posted to: We at SureHope Counseling & Training Center want to wish you a very Happy New Year! As we begin 2025, many take a moment to reflect on the previous years and what is to come. As…