The purpose of the Unifie Therapist Directory (Unifie) is to strengthen and support the community of counselors, that are also Christians, throughout the world. We meet online to pray, learn and explore topics that impact us all as counselors. We also have an active forum where we ask for help with resources and referrals. If you are interested in learning more about this group please email [email protected]. We hope to have you a part of the group soon!
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Unifie Therapist Directory, LLC is a Christian based company that does not discriminate due to race, gender, age, religion or disability. Inclusion of material with website links does not necessarily imply agreement with all of the websites content. Views expressed in any article, audio message, Web feed, email correspondence or other interaction between the site and those who visit and/or review any material on the site are not necessarily those of the site, its owner, Unifie Therapist Directory, LLC, or other visitors who interact elsewhere on the site.
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